Vacation Bible School Merida, Ometepe Oct 19th to 23rd 2020


  FROM OCTOBER 19th TO OCTOBER 23rd 2020

We thank God for this very first Vacation Bible School that Bezek Centre Ometepe held. We thank Just A Cup and all those who supported this first Vacation Bible school through the purchase of coffee as well as those who donated.  God touched the lives of many kids in the isolated community of Merida Ometepe but also richly blessed the Pastor and his church. He told us that it was the church's very first V.B.S. God richly Bless those who prayed and donated! 

10 loaves of bread, 200 packages of cookies and bottles of juice, 150 croissants purchased so kids could have a snack during the 5 day Bible club. With limited supplies on Ometepe Island, we needed to bring the food.

As we headed out to the church, to the remote community of Merida, the active volcano Concepcion was always a special sigh
As we headed out to the church, to the romote community of Merida, the active volcano Concepcion was always a special sight!.

Our focus for the week: Through an intimate relationship with God, God can do great and mighty things through us! Here I am teaching on Efesians 5 vs. 18. 

An object lesson I use from nature tied in with the Wordless book, given on the first day, illustrated how intimacy with God can produce beatiful and wonderful fruit in our lives.

Pastor Gustavo helped the first 2 days with songs included in my classes. 

Pastor Gustavo also helped give the message of 

                          Salvation which is also intertwined in the main lessons.


We thank God for His faithfulnes on the 3rd and 4th days as Pastor Gustavo began his classes. God brought more children from the surrounding community! 

Pastor Gustavos taught John 3:7 and Hechos 2:21
with his Bible friend at his side to continue showing
the children how to walk intimately with God. 

He taught how the life of Nicodemos was impacted by an encounter with Jesus.

How Jesus' 12 close friends and the 120 followers were 
greatly used on the day of Pentecost.

His Bible friend also helped him teach more about the Bible verse as well as memorize the Bible verses. 

We were very encouraged to see
how God was moving in the hearts
of the kids as Yesenia taught the last day.

  Yesenia busy all week with helping the kids with their crafts as well as giving the snack each day. She helped us with the teaching on the last day.

   Yesenia shared an object lesson with the children. How the life of a Little boy named Sambo was impacted by Jesus. 

  Ilustrating how Sambos’ heart changed towards his class companions after giving his heart to Jesus and walking intimately with Him. 

 During the week we had special moments with the kids as we spent time worshipping God. 

 Yesenia also saw God touching childrens hearts as they sang with us honouring His Name. 

 We not only prayed this time for the unsaved children to receive Jesus.

But we saw God’s Mighty Hand at work as we prayed for the saved children too!


 As we prayed for the saved children, we encouraged them to express their desire in prayer to God in silence showing Him their desire to move in their lives by raising their hands.

 We saw God move in the hearts of the children in a powerful way as they responded to Him. Two children shared how they were healed!


For many children in the community
it was the first time they saw puppets
help teach the lesson and memorize verses!

We thank Pastor Gustavo for his participation also in organizing the games for the kids.

The children enjoyed running

 And spending time interacting together.

We thank Yesenia for her creativity in coming up with crafts related to the lesson.

For organizing the purchase of the materials and snacks…

  So that Gods blessing could touch the lives of many children in the Hermosa Church in Merida Ometepe.

 God definately gave us the Victory. The orginal goal of 60 children for this VBS was surpassed! By the last day we had a total of 85 children! 16 of those received Jesus as Savior!


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