GRAND OPENING OF CAMP BEZEK, OMETEPE RIVAS November 27th- December 1st 2019


We thank God for this very first camp that we are holding at Camp Bezek. This camp is also in honor of my parents who have so faithfully supported our work, my Dad who constantly pushed us to look for a more suitable place to minister to the children and to all my faithful supporters. God Bless!

PREPARATIONS FOR CAMP- 1 month before the arrival of the children to the camp preparations had already started for this special day of Camp. 

3 weeks before the arrival of the kids
mattresses were made and purchased for
the 26 children who attended

The Saturday before the children came we
thoroughly cleaned all Bezek Centre: Tables,
chairs etc. 

A makeshift outhouse was contructed by Ramiro, the posts
out of branches. 

Even Emmanuel was eager to help with
the preparations of the outhouse

Plastic was put around the posts
to make a temporary bathroom

In the end, it was decided that using a pail with a plastic
bag and sawdust would be the best way to make it comfortable
for the kids to use the bathroom
The Saturday before we raked up the twigs
and garbage

Cleaned up any loose rock to prevent kids from

2 makeshift showers were placed outside.
One for boys and the other for girls.

A week before, as well, we had to decide the best place to
put a change room

Lights needed to be installed so
that children didn't fall at night


A van needed to be rented to transport
the 26 children and 8 adults.
In total we were 35 who attended Camp Bezek.

Children eagerly praying for safe trip
as we made our way from Masaya to Ometepe Island

I needed to take the other 14 children
in the back of my pickup

Pastor Gustavo told us that the children
had been asking for weeks about when
the big day would come

For almost all the kids, and even some of the adults
it was their first time to go on a Ferry. We are
thankful that none of them got sick

For Emmanuel, the most exciting thing
was that he got to use his new tent!

The kids all sang praises to God as they travelled
from Moyogalpa to Bezek Centre but
still full of excitement as Yesenia
explains the rules of the camp

God blessed all of us with excellent food
at an affordable price. For many kids here, this
would have been their first time going to a restaurant.

Children slept on the floor, in the Bezek Centre
on the new mattresses 

Girls on the right, boys on the left.

Wake up call was at 4 am for the adults and
leaders to get showered before the kids

Both showers, boys and girls, worked out really
well for both kids and adults but
the kids took 2 hours to get washed the first day!

The kids had to get changed behind the wooden
divider after showering. These boys
had to wait patiently for a long time
to take their shower!

At first the kids were a bit hesitant to use
the new outhouse. We had to encourage them 

After prayer time in the morning

The kids walked to the Hostal to eat breakfast
1/2 km down the road from the Centre

Our group filled all the tables in the hostal

All the kids commented on how good all the food they
ate at all meals.

All the kids received a full plate of food

Emmanuel loved it too!

When Yesenia and I first got Married
Dad had mentioned that he saw Yesenia
teaching under a Ceibo tree!

Here it is Dad! You heard correctly from God! Yesenia
is teaching under the Ceibo tree, almost
16 years later! 

As well, 16 years later, I am teaching with Yesenia, the
same song I first taught on my first missionary trip
with CEF to Nicaragua. That first class was the class
that God used to get me to Nicaragua. It is now
the song I am teaching again as I move forward
in this new phase of ministry with kids. 

My favorite part was the prayer time. My heart is
to see the kids walk in a passionate relationship
with God. Here these saved children responded to the teaching telling God
of their desire to walk in a more intimate relationship with Him

Interesting that both Yesenia and I
are together again as I teach this song a second time 16
years later!

Our Saturday was action packed! Emmanuel
even helped with the planning of the games!

The morning was spent playing games. 

They also made a craft. 

and Emmanuel too!

Swam in a stream 

As well as Lake Nicaragua in
the afternoon

They had a movie night and a camp fire
to finish the day!

For many it was sad to leave. Many expressed their
gratitude at the campfire for the fellowship, activities
and new frienships formed. 

I think this picture would probably represents the best
what was on Dads heart after all their hard
work and support in the our ministry with the
Nobody could complain
about the amount of food either

God not only touched our lives, but the life of the owner of
the Hostal. She wept tears of joy
as the kids prayed for her and returned back to



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